#Op: American Spring

Patriots For America

Greetings Citizens of the United States of America.
We are Anonymous.

Operation American Spring.

To all Patriots in 50 states, (black, white, red, yellow, brown, male, female, civilian, military, truckers, bikers, militias, veterans, old, young, every American that loves freedom and liberty)

The Mission. Restoration of Constitutional government, rule of law, freedom, "liberty of the people, for the people, by the people", from despotic and tyrannical federal leadership.

The Assumptions:
Millions of Americans will participate.
American veterans and patriots are energized to end the tyranny, lawlessness, and shredding of the US Constitution.
Government is not the target, it is sound; corrupt and criminal leadership must be removed.
Those in power will not hesitate to use force against unarmed, peaceful patriots exercising their constitutional rights.
Patriots may be killed, wounded, incarcerated.
There is no hope given today’s technology of secrecy for the effort nor do we want it secret.

The Concept of Operations.
Phase 1.
Field millions, as many as ten million, patriots who will assemble in a peaceful, non-violent, physically unarmed (Spiritually/Constitutionally armed), display of unswerving loyalty to the US Constitution and against the incumbent government leadership, in Washington, D.C., with the mission to bring down the existing leadership. Go full-bore, no looking back, steadfast in the mission.

Phase 2.
One million or more of the assembled 10 million must be prepared to stay in D.C. as long as it takes to see Obama, Biden, Reid, McConnell, Boehner, Pelosi, and Attorney General Holder removed from office. The senior republican in the US House of Representatives will become Speaker of the House and the US House of Representatives will elect a temporary President and Vice President of the United States. The U.S. Senate will take action to elect a new majority and minority leader.
As required, the U.S. Congress will execute appropriate legislation to convene new elections or U.S. States will appoint replacements for positions vacated consistent with established constitutional requirements.

Phase 3.
Those with the principles of a West, Cruz, Dr. Ben Carson, Lee, DeMint, Paul, Gov Walker, Sessions, Gowdy, Jordan, will comprise a tribunal and assume positions of authority to convene investigations, recommend appropriate charges against politicians and government employees to the new U.S. Attorney General appointed by the new President.

All actions in Phase 2 & 3 will be consistent with the U.S. Constitution.

Date of Operation, May 16, 2,014. Will be the Beginning Of Tyranny Housecleaning, "completion is yet to be determined".

We are past the point of no return, thus must move forward with an effort to save our nation, as there is no other choice. We are asking, pleading with you, and any others that have resources, national voices, email lists, blogs, Face Book, Twitter, to call for a non violent, American Spring, May 16 2,014, in Washington D.C., We must appeal to ten million and more American patriots to come and stay in Washington D.C., to stop the White House and Congress from total destruction of the United States. It is now, or "Never!"

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
To the corrupt individuals in the white house.
Be very well prepared to Expect all of us.


Anonymous - #Op: World Cup (Brazil)


Hello President Dilma Rousseff.

We are Anonymous.

Over the years.
We have been watching you, your corrupt government, and your campaign to manipulate the masses.

The Brazilian people made it clear, "that investing in the world cup was a big mistake".

The money should be invested in, health, education, public safety, and many other needs.

While the Brazilian people are dying, the FIFA will profit millions.

We saw expropriation. Saw the violence against the Brazilian people.

We saw a dirty cup advertisement.

Anonymous has decided. that the world cup should be boycotted, and destroyed. For the good of the Brazilian people.

Do you want the world cup to see the worst of all time?

We call on all Brazilians that are against this event, which it is being done with the Brazilian peoples money. We call on to you, that are against this corruption.
Join us.

Dear Mr. President of Brazil, we recognize you as a serious opponent, and we are prepared for a long, long, campaign.

However? Your political alienating, not only the PT.
But also, of political parties, as the  PSDB will not prevail.

Your foul play, your methods on controlling the masses, the hypocrisy, that has destroyed the lives of millions of Brazilians.

You will not find resources to defend against the popular revolt. For every one of us fall because of your police, ten more of us will appear.

Our attacks will be direct, and parallel.

Calling all Brazilians, to participate in their cities protest against the world cup.

Let us show the corrupt government, that the power belongs to the people.

Calling all Anonymous around the world, to support this cause.

The people will become aware of the stress, and frustration that they feel, is not due to us in protest. But a source closer to them.
The main stream media, and the corrupt government manipulation.

We are Anonymous.
We are Legion.
We do not Forgive.
We do not Forget.
To the corrupt government of Brazil.
Expect us.


Anonymous - Message From France Anonymous


All policies are there to divide us, they are puppets in the pay of bankers, corporatist and other terrorist merchants and financiers. How can you still believe in that, in them? You are anonymous in hell ! there is an idea that met behind a wealth of knowledge ... Oh I forgot it is true that we must seek to know , pick up the pieces of bread and follow the white rabbit to understand all of this wonderful idea that brings together knowledge that can enable all men to obtain their personal sovereignty and power all live in peace with respect and harmony. But no instead it is a large majority of lazy , who think they know everything and say anonymous while there has to seen in public together to prove the contrary , the DOSS and why?

Because the majority who understood the idea supposedly are connected to their ego, which is the worst enemy of man . You get the idea when you do not have a fear in you, your feelings and emotions are turned around love . You act in all humility, you become tolerant, you forgive the immaturity of mind of those who hurt you , you keep smiling at all times , you do what is right all the time , you pay more for your arm vulnerable , you respect your fellow and you are especially willing to put your life, your future at stake for the honor and human values ? of our species ! ! ! ! is this the case for you ? this is the case for those that you listen to?

Only you have the ability to know who you follow and you are free by your free will to choose darkness ( falsehood ) or light (Truth ) !

What do I ever ? criticism, disrespect and judgment on the part of individuals representing anonymous , the idea that they understood ... PFFF IMPOSTORS ! to understand he must listen and know that we listen ! must have an iron will to learn! You must have an iron will to embrace change ! must be unshakable faith believing in yourself ! it takes a strong desire to want to change his worldview before trying to change the world. It all starts within us, in our thoughts inevitably have an effect on our external environment !

"We do not know what we do not know ! "

While the puppets who say I understood the idea but I'm anonymous disparage , who do not know or do not want to hear about " SELF-KNOWLEDGE " I tell them please pack your forked tongue! Impostors of the idea in illusion and whose objective and bring about the disorder again I told you resign yourself and turn yourselves from your laziness, turn from ignorance, the selfishness , individualism is the only hope that is offered ... Nothing will prevent the WORLD PEACE !

When you really understand the idea then you feel even more the need to wear the mask or even hide. The idea is not playing by the rules imposed by parasites. We play outside their field , we play with the rules of the universe. WHAT YOU WILL BELIEVE IT OR NOT THEY ARE LAWS AND WE'VE ALL SUBJECT ! WE ARE ALL IN THE WORLD AND WE MADE IT ALL!

You are a spirit of evil ? ok ok ...

We intuition,
We still have an edge ,
We do not forget ,
Forgive us everywhere and at all times ,
Remember that we are light !

Antony Mous

Thanks to Alex Deadmeau to create the poster.



Toutes les politiques sont là pour nous diviser, ce sont des pantins à la solde des banquiers, corporatistes et autres terroristes marchands et financiers. Comment pouvez-vous croire encore en ça, en eux? Vous êtes chez anonymous bon sang! il y a une idée qui réuni derrière elle énormément de connaissances... Ah oui j’oubliais il est vrai qu'il faut chercher pour savoir, ramasser les morceaux de pains et suivre le lapin blanc pour comprendre l'ensemble de cette idée magnifique qui réuni les connaissances qui peuvent permettre à tous les hommes d'obtenir leur souveraineté personnelle et de pouvoir tous vivre en paix dans le respect et l'harmonie. Mais non au lieu de ça c'est une grande majorité de fainéant, qui croient tout savoir et qui se disent anonymous alors qu'il y a qu'a voir le collectif dans l'ensemble pour prouver le contraire, c'est le BORDEL et pourquoi?

Parce que la majorité qui a compris l'idée soi disant, sont connectés à leur ego, qui est le pire ennemi de l'homme. Vous avez compris l'idée lorsque vous n'avez plus une peur en vous, vos sentiments et vos émotions sont tournées autour de l'amour. Vous agissez en toute humilité, vous devenez tolérant, vous pardonnez l'immaturité d'esprit de ceux qui vous font du mal, vous gardez le sourire en toute circonstance, vous faites ce qui est juste à tout instant, vous prêtez votre bras aux plus vulnérables, vous respectez vos semblables et vous êtes surtout prêt à mettre votre vie, votre avenir en jeu pour l'honneur et les valeurs humaines de notre espèce!!!!!!!!!!!! est ce le cas pour vous? est ce le cas pour ceux que vous écoutez?

Vous seul avez la possibilité de savoir qui vous suivez et vous êtes libres par votre libre arbitre de choisir l'obscurité(le mensonge) ou la la lumière(La vérité)!

Que vois je sans cesse? des critiques, du manque de respect et jugement de la part des personnes représentant anonymous, de l'idée qu'ils ont compris... PFFF IMPOSTEURS! pour comprendre il faut savoir écouter et savoir qui on écoute! il faut avoir une volonté de fer pour apprendre! Il faut avoir une volonté de fer à accepter le changement! il faut une foi inébranlable à croire en soi! il faut un désir ardent à vouloir changer sa vision du monde avant de vouloir changer le monde. Tout commence à l'intérieur de nous, dans nos pensées qui inévitablement aura un effet sur notre environnement extérieur!

"On ne sait pas ce que l'on ne connaît pas!"

Alors les guignols qui disent j'ai compris l'idée je suis anonymous mais qui dénigrent, qui ne connaissent pas ou qui ne veulent pas entendre parler de "LA CONNAISSANCE DE SOI" je leur dis veuillez remballer votre langue fourchu! Imposteurs de l'idée dans l'illusion et dont l'objectif et d'amener l'ordre par le désordre là aussi je vous dit résignez-vous et détournez-vous de votre paresse, détournez-vous de l'ignorance, de l'égoïsme, de l'individualisme c'est le seul espoir qui est offert... Rien n'empêchera la PAIX MONDIALE!!!

Quand vous aurez vraiment compris l'idée alors vous sentirez même plus le besoin de porter le masque ni même de vous cacher. Dans l'idée on ne joue plus selon les règles imposées par des parasites. Nous jouons hors de leur terrain, nous jouons avec les règles de l'univers. QUE VOUS Y CROYEZ OU PAS CE SONT DES LOIS ET NOUS Y SOMMES TOUS SOUMIS! NOUS SOMMES TOUS DANS L'UNIVERS ET CELUI-CI NOUS COMPOSE TOUS!

Vous êtes un esprit du malin? ok ok...

Nous avons l'intuition,
Nous avons toujours une longueur d'avance,
Nous n'oublions pas,
Nous pardonnerons partout et en tout temps,
N'oubliez pas que nous sommes lumière!

Antony Mous

Remerciement à Alex Deadmeau pour la création de l'affiche.

Anonymous - Homeless Update


Greetings World.
We are Anonymous.

It begins with the homeless. Then another group, then another, Until, well, just remember Germany. It isn't pretty!

According to MSN, the Columbia City Council unanimously approved the plan, creating special police patrols, that would enforce “quality of life” laws, involving loitering, public urination, and other crimes not necessarily restricted to the homeless population.

Those officers would then offer the homeless a choice:

Go to jail for their homelessness or be shuffled to a 240-bed, 24-hour shelter on the outskirts of town, which they wouldn't be allowed to easily leave.
According to the Activist Post,  the Columbia South Carolina plan is already complete with an urgent Emergency Homeless Response report. And that report includes information about hauling the homeless away in transport vans to an already stationed shelter with workers, phone number for townspeople to report “the person in need,” an officer stationed to control foot traffic, public feeding moved there, more foot patrol officers for the city to keep out the homeless. Oh, and the homeless can’t walk off the premises!

If they want to leave, they must get permission, set up an appointment and be shuttled by a transport van. A patrolman will guard the road leading in to make sure homeless don’t wander off downtown.

Ex-prisoners will be shuttled there unless someone picks them up from the county jail. No foot traffic allowed, only shuttle van arrival. The plan is a city plan and not a federal government plan.

Columbia, South Carolina, decided to rescind its controversial decision to criminalize homelessness after facing major backlash from police, city workers and advocates.

Christian Video Channel commented, 1st comment, “That’s how it begins. They start with one city and with people who can't do anything about it. O'bahma already passed laws to allow other groups such as? indefinite detention, making freedom of speech a felony. The ONLY reason to pass the executive orders listed are to take complete control of a nation. You don’t have to be a militant strategist to figure this out! Just have common sense!”
2nd comment, “I just want to say, that becoming homeless could happen to any one of us at any time! In this economy especially. So to the people that complain that the homeless are sleeping in your doorways, or you don’t want to have to look at them on the street. God forgive you! I? pray you never have to experience what they go through!"

Under the radar from the prying eyes of the public, South Carolina made it legal to get rid of their homeless problem. The people were given a choice, FEMA Camps or jail. The irony of it all was this happened right at the 50th Anniversary of Civil Liberties in August. The bad part is different cities from Boston to New York are shipping off their homeless, and no one cares. Is this coming to a town near you?

In August the city of Colombia, South Carolina, had a problem. A festival honoring the 50th Anniversary of the Civil Rights Movement was coming to town.

They couldn’t be seen with all the homeless when guests arrived from all parts of the United States, so the city council held a vote and made homelessness a crime.

That second option isn’t jail, mind you, because the homeless are being confined with the help of a local charitable organization. It’s charitable incarceration, you see. The homeless can leave, but they need to set up an appointment, and be shuttled by a van.”

Despite some news from the Main Stream Media, and Glenn Beck, it looks like the city went out of their way to begin staffing the 240 bed, 24 hour, razor wire topped FEMA camps, that was supposed to be used in case of a disaster, according to FEMA. Remember, these areas do not exist according to the news media. However the FEMA site has the plans and the implementations of them. FEMA has even built them for cities such as Galeston, Houston, New York, Boston, New Orleans, and even Colombia.  Strange for areas that don’t exist.

South Carolina went through with the plans and they even caught the attention of the A C L U. In order for the homeless to “qualify” for the “temporary shelter”, they would have to be one of the first 240 homeless to apply, and wouldn’t be able to leave except by shuttle. They even went out of their way to remove some of the benches around the town, so the homeless didn’t get comfortable, and a hot line to call if you spotted homeless people for the residents.

But this is not the only area making it a crime for being homeless. It turns out that since 2011, the city of Boston is moving its homeless out of the city into what they call "Home Base", near Salem, away from the city. People in Southern California, were getting concerned from homeless disappearing off the streets.

Most of the homeless in places like Sacramento, are taken and driven out of town in tent cities of their own. They have made it a crime to be homeless, and round them up and move them there. They are guarded, and people have hotlines to call if they spot a homeless person. They ship them out and place them in these camps. They are not permitted to leave, and they are not permitted to wander the streets of the bigger cities without a permit. If that is not a determent camp, I don’t know what is.

They are moving to make it a crime to be homeless in Miami as well. Where are they putting the people from these “round ups”?

The city of Columbia was quick to recant their law at the end of September, but there are several other cities and states that still have not. There are several individuals that have warned people for years, that this would happen. If we do not find humanity in our hearts, when does the madness stop?

This is almost like the 19 40's rounding up of the undesirables, happening right before our very eyes. The only thing different is, that this is the United States, and not Germany.

Now we have the cutting of E B T, and Food Banks by 5 Billion. Unemployment continuing to sky rocket, and over 3.5 million homeless with the numbers growing daily. We have 18.6 million vacant homes, and homes in Detroit, that are being sold for a dollar, but we can’t find places to house people other then FEMA camps? I think we all know what happens from here, if we continue to let it.

When the people of bigger cities wake up to find that all the homeless have disappeared over night, you actually know where they are. The question is, are you next?

In closing, I want to remind you all that there are 3.5 million homeless in the US, and 18.6 million vacant homes. So, can anyone tell me why do we keep voting, if politicians can never fix any of the real problems of our society? This system is corrupt and obsolete, and it has to go!

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We will not forgive governments forcing people to become homeless.
We will not forget that we can be next.
To the corrupt governments holding our future from us.
You will expect us soon enough!














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We Are Anonymous. We Are Legion. We Do Not Forgive. We Do Not Forget. Expect Us!
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